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Topic: February Updates
David is mentioned in an ad for Crest Teeth Whitening Strips (the model asks viewers to guess her age from clues-she had a crush on a TV star-was it David or Ralph Macchio?). Cher's sing "Song For the Lonely" is used in a Wheight Watchers ad-David's ballad "For All the Lonely" is a prettier song & he's a better singer; why wasn't it used? I finally saw Phanthom of the Opera-why wasn't Patrick cast as the Phanthom? The guy they used was Horrible! David would have done a better job than Richard Gere in Chicago. It seems like our favorite family is being passed over for less talented performers. They should be working to get these jobs. Why aren't they? And why do we have to wait so long for Hardy Boys Seasons 2 & 3 to be released? Keep Writing & e-mailing!