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Wednesday, 1 February 2006
Happy February
Mood:  quizzical
Now Playing: Loving the Cassidys
Topic: February Updates
Happy February! This is a big month for the Cassidys, with three birthdays (Beau-15, Jake-21, & Ryan-40), and Patrick & Melissa's 12th Wedding Anniversary on the 12th!

David is mentioned in an ad for Crest Teeth Whitening Strips (the model asks viewers to guess her age from clues-she had a crush on a TV star-was it David or Ralph Macchio?). Cher's sing "Song For the Lonely" is used in a Wheight Watchers ad-David's ballad "For All the Lonely" is a prettier song & he's a better singer; why wasn't it used? I finally saw Phanthom of the Opera-why wasn't Patrick cast as the Phanthom? The guy they used was Horrible! David would have done a better job than Richard Gere in Chicago. It seems like our favorite family is being passed over for less talented performers. They should be working to get these jobs. Why aren't they? And why do we have to wait so long for Hardy Boys Seasons 2 & 3 to be released? Keep Writing & e-mailing!

Posted by forallcassidyfans at 1:50 PM PST
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Sunday, 1 January 2006
HAPPY 2006!
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: COMING SOON
Topic: 2005 IN REVIEW
Happy 2006! I hope that the coming year is a good one for you.

2005 had its ups and downs. Shaun's year started when Caleb Cassidy was born into the large Cassidy clan in March, joining siblings Caitlin, Jake and Juliet. At the same time, Shaun learned that his ABC series Invasion was picked up for the Fall Season, then it was renewed for the rest of the season. Hardy Boys Season one and American Gothic were released on DVD (keep writing & e-mailing Universal Home Video for the rest of the HB to be released!)

Patrick and Shirley wrapped up their long stint on B'way in "42nd Street," and while Shirley went back to films in "Grandma's Boy," Patrick took Melissa, Cole and Jack on the road with him in a revival of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat."

David continued touring and joined up with the Osmond Brothers in a British tour in England. He also made plans to bring Rat Pack Is Back to Broadway. Let's hope 2006 brings him luck with finding a venue. PF seasons 1 and 2 were released on DVD to the delight of fans, and his feature film return in "Popstar" was also released on DVD.

Ryan had a quiet year, until nepotisim took hold and big-brother Shaun hired him as set dresser on Invasion. He also visited Patrick on Tour.

As for FOTC & the web-site, we hope to continue to bring you the latest news on the Cassidy Family!

Posted by forallcassidyfans at 9:59 AM PST
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Wednesday, 14 December 2005
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: LAST BLOG ENTRY OF 2005
Topic: DEC 14, 2005
Well, I'm finally settled down in the new home on Crystal Downs St. The newsletter went out today, after finding a printer in the area.
I am so sad to hear about the cancellation of RAT PACK IS BACK on Broadway. From the Way David was talking about it on Conan O'Brian & The Insider, he was expecting it to be around a long time. Just goes to show you how one small detail can change everything around.
And what's this with INVASION being taken off? Even TV Guide gave it a "JEER" in the Dec 19 issue, saying "JEERS to ABC for advertising ALIAS in its "new time" of Wednesdays at 10 pm. In fact, the spy drama only aired ther for a few weeks before going on hiatus until Spring to accomidate Jennifer Gardner's maternity leave. But the promos managed to panic fans of INVASION, which normally airs in that slot and will return there in January. And after watching that creepy series, those people are parinoid enough already." Hey, I'm not creeped out, just annoyed! At least my DVD recorder gets a few weeks off for good behavior, but boy are Weds nights dull now! I can actually get some sleep at a decent time!
Well, this is my last blog for the year. I'll see you in 2006!

Posted by forallcassidyfans at 11:37 AM PST
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Sunday, 6 November 2005
November up-dates
Mood:  rushed
Now Playing: Ready to move on
Topic: lots going on!
Well, in 5 more days, we'll be setteling into a new place in Banning CA. Banning is a small desert community close to Palm Springs. I"ve been packing all day, & am using my father's 'puter for all e-mail.
In a few more days, I'll be able to watch the PF 2nd season on DVD & watch Popstar, but right now, everything electronic is boxed up except a TV. Luckily, I was able to watch AMERICAN GOTHIC before it was packed away, & Shaun's commentary on the pilot is worth the price! I've heard that ABC may be releasing Season 1 of Invasion sometime next year, & if they can recruit Shaun again, I'd be willing to pay in advance!
Well, gotta Run! My next blog entry should be from my new "office" in Banning. If you are a member of FOTC, please expect a delay in the newsletter. It's such a small town, the nearest Kinkos is at least 25 mins away!

Posted by forallcassidyfans at 7:28 PM PST
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Sunday, 23 October 2005

Mood:  chatty
Topic: lots going on!
Well, just a few more days until American Gothic appears on DVD, & just in time for Halloween (By The Way-Steven King also suggests INVASION as a perfect Halloween show in Entertainment Weekly!) It seems so long since I ordered American Gothic when it was first announced, & I can't believe it is finally here!
It seems that now that Invasion has been picked up for the rest of the season, ABC is taking it more seriously. I've seen ads for it this week, & Shaun seems to be included in more mentions of the show in the Press, including People & TV Guide. Now to hear hos voice on Talk shows on TV! He'd be perfect on THE VIEW, REGIS & KELLY, or Tony Danza (all owned by ABC). I"d even stay up late to watch him on Jimmy Kimmel if he'd prefer to stay on the West Coast.
Well, my next entry should be a review of the DVDs & a countdown to Season 2 of the PF on DVD (2 weeks & counting!)

Posted by forallcassidyfans at 9:38 PM PDT
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Saturday, 8 October 2005
Ft McDowell Concert
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: Home from Phoenix
Topic: Oct 7, 2007

As Promised, Here's my concert review: I had the good fortune of being able to attend David’s next-to-last concert, at the Ft. McDowell Casino in AZ. Doris & I flew in a day early & found a “oldies” radio station, & even heard the concert advertised. I checked out the local news channels, but nothing about David being on. Friday morning, I was up listening to the station, & heard they were having trivia contests to win “front Row” tickets to the concert (Front Row? To a General Admission concert?), along with a Pass for the Meet & Greet & tried to get through with no luck. They also talked about an interview they did with David, which I missed, even though I’d been listening all morning. The day dragged, while we laid out our concert outfits & puttered around, getting ready. Our friend was flying in from CA & we kept in touch by cell-phone. Our shuttle van came at 3& we wove our way through the casino. I lost $2 in the slots, and then we found our way to the admission line. Unlike Mohegan, there were only a few people in line ahead of us. Luckily, there were benches to sit on in the shade while we waited. We chatted & took photos, until our friend showed up & Doris took her back to the motel to change, while I promised to hold seats. We found out that the front row was reserved for the VIPs & contest winners, while the surrounding seats were up for grabs. Two hours before the concert started, we were allowed in. They had a stand that had white Ft McDowell T-shirts, with David’s photo on the back. I thought they were for sale, but after saving 3 seats in the front row at the side of the stage, a kind person went back to get one for me. Then Doris & our friend showed up & were pleased at my seat selection. We chatted for the next 2 hours until Lisa finally announced the show & Lon & the band came out. Heartbeat was first, then came Point me in the Direction of Albuquerque. We all ran to the metal barrier, which held us away from the stage & any contact with David, to take photos, but the security guards kept trying to push us back. How Can I be Sure came next, & the opportunity for a lady who described herself as a “new fan” to jump the barrier & get to him. He treated her nicely, but warned the rest of the audience not to follow her example. This was followed by the slow version of Breaking Up is Hard to Do. A bouncy version of Summer Days came next, The acoustic set of I’ll Meet You halfway, No Reply, & Hide Your love away came next & he was having trouble with his “rented” guitar & had to settle for another—I think it was his electric guitar. He joked that it must be a sign from above to stop performing! He ended the set with the slow version of I think I Love you, which we all listened to respectfully. That merged into a bluesy guitar riff & Common Thief & Ain’t No Sunshine. Rock Me Baby & Cherish lead into Hush & I woke Up in Love this Morning. Then, using a song intro I haven’t heard since shortly after At The Copa, the band intros were followed by C’mon Get Happy, with David ending with a song that he said would always belong to him & all of us, I Think I Love You. There was no Encore. David did say that although he is giving up touring for a while to concentrate on The Rat Pack is Back, he would never say never about touring. After the concert, I asked the security guard if I could have the set lists from the amps, & she said she’d have to talk to Lon. I saw her talking to Frank, the guitarist, & he fumbled with a cellophane bag & handed the guard something. She took the play-lists down & handed them to me with a few small white slivers. They were guitar pics with David’s Name! I shared them with my friends & we left very happy! 

Posted by forallcassidyfans at 8:02 PM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 28 February 2008 3:59 PM PST
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Monday, 3 October 2005
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: OCT UPDATES
Shaun did a new interview with the WGA site. I posted the link on his News page.
Three days to go until David's concert. As you probably know, David is concentrating his stage appearences to Rat Pack Is Back in NY, so I guess this will be my last time seeing him Live for a while, unless he makes it out to the West Coast. I'll make a blog entry about it as soon as I get back.
Our next newsletter should be out the middle of the month, depending on when our family decides to move into our home. Stay tuned!

Posted by forallcassidyfans at 9:35 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 27 September 2005
Shaun's Birthday
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: Time to party
Just found out that the Pilot of INVASION came in at #12 for the week (well, who can beat NFL Football?). oTHER "NEILSON LISTS" (Includimg the one in our local paper on the 28th) have it as #9. Not Bad!

Anyway, here I am, listening to Shaun's music on my burned CDs & watching his performances on the burned DVDS I've aquired in the last year.
I also went out & bought a gift for myself-a beautiful TY Classic cat with the ironic name of CASSIDY. Here she is:
Ahh-back to the DVDS!

Posted by forallcassidyfans at 3:11 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 28 September 2005 9:06 AM PDT
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Thursday, 22 September 2005
new photos added
Mood:  party time!
Topic: photo album
Well, Invasion debuted last night & I enjoyed it. It was nice to hear Jon Ehrlich's great music again too.
My only fault was not hearing the ironic writing that sets Shaun's writing apart from the rest. There was only one line of dry humor & that came towards the end. It's also interesting that he changed the Shaun Cassidy Productions logi again (windshield wipers as seen from behind the wheel of a car)

After the show, he also appeared on our local ABC news channel, looking casual in a denium jacket & t-shirt. I posted photos in the album linked to Shaun's news page.Shaun on ABC7.Here are the Video clips from the Interview-shaun on ch7
2nd clip

Posted by forallcassidyfans at 2:05 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 27 September 2005 2:57 PM PDT
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Sunday, 18 September 2005
Mid-September Musings
Mood:  party time!
Well, I've just mailed out the newsletter & changed a few settings on the message boards. Time for the countdown to Invasion on Weds. I"ve got the DVD recorder set for every Weds at 10!
On each of the news pages, I've added Vital statistics, & changed the website addresses on the message boards. As I said, I will add to site & keep them updated as time allows, so keep those suggestions coming! Slowly but surely, the site is coming together.
Happy birthday to Shaun on the 27th! Let's hope he celebrates with good ratings for Invasion! CHERYL

Posted by forallcassidyfans at 10:56 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 27 September 2005 2:43 PM PDT
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