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September News
Sunday, 18 September 2005
Mid-September Musings
Mood:  party time!
Well, I've just mailed out the newsletter & changed a few settings on the message boards. Time for the countdown to Invasion on Weds. I"ve got the DVD recorder set for every Weds at 10!
On each of the news pages, I've added Vital statistics, & changed the website addresses on the message boards. As I said, I will add to site & keep them updated as time allows, so keep those suggestions coming! Slowly but surely, the site is coming together.
Happy birthday to Shaun on the 27th! Let's hope he celebrates with good ratings for Invasion! CHERYL

Posted by forallcassidyfans at 10:56 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 27 September 2005 2:43 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 30 August 2005
September Entry
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Happy Birthday Shaun!
Topic: September News

Well, it's almost September, Shaun's Birthday month! I hope he has a great birthday, with Invasion's Debut the early Birthday gift! I"m already getting the September Birthday issue ready to go, with lots of new articles on Invasion.
As you'll notice, I've continued to add to the site, transfering our Promotion ideas over from the old site, so if you have any other ideas, suggestions, etc, please let me know.
I have posted some new tv shots of Shirley on Sesame St. you can see them atshirley on Sesame St
Take care & I'll see you later! Cheryl

Posted by forallcassidyfans at 4:09 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2005 4:05 PM PDT
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Sunday, 21 August 2005
Site Up-dates
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: Still Building the site
As you may have noticed, I"ve added some new pages to Shaun & David's News pages- TV & recording credits.
Thank you for voting in the Jack Cassidy Star poll. I'll pass the vote results along to Michele. We may be able to do more than one, so those of you who want to order a bracelet may be able to, & the star necklaces can be ordered for those who voted for them instead.
Talk to you later-Cheryl

Posted by forallcassidyfans at 1:26 PM PDT
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Friday, 19 August 2005
Mood:  happy
Topic: August News
Hi! As you notice, we've changed changed from Homestead. I'm still getting used to this format, but hopefully, this new site will work. If you have any suggestions (nothing too technical, I'm still learning) & I will be adding new pages as space allows. The August newsletter went out on thhe 15th, & September's, with Shaun's birthday, isn't too far off. I am personally also "on The Move," as our family plans to move to a new home sometime next month. Those of you who have E-mails will be receiving contact notices from me directly. I am still working with Michele on getting the money for Jack's STAR together. We hope that Shaun, Patrick, Ryan & David, With the help of Shirley, will support their father's tribute. I hope that they can get together with all of us, their dedicated fans, can pool our resources & come up with an arrangement that will give Jack the tribute he deserves." Stay up-to date with Michelle at Jack Cassidy's web-site. I added the poll to the main page, which will also serve as the current news page. On the old site, so far, it looked like necklaces are in the lead, but if you have any other ideas, we'd be glad to see them. Take Care & I'll talk to you later. Cheryl

Posted by forallcassidyfans at 10:04 AM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 21 August 2005 1:31 PM PDT
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