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Monday, 12 November 2007
Another Meeting with Shirley
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: happy
Last night I saw Shirley in concert here in Sunlakes. It was her second appearance here (brought back by demand-- last year's concert was over-sold). We had great seats, row-F center section. First they showed a video of her past career, opening with In search of the PF- Shirley-- leading into her movie career, and ending with a "melody" of the many actors she had movie-kissed. Frank Sinatra sang "Have You Seen Miss Jones" during the movie clips.
Shirley came out wearing black pants, sweater, and beaded jacket, and did her usual melody of her musicals. She sounded wonderful on As Time Goes By & Can't help Lovin’ that Man of Mine.
Her patter between songs hasn't changed, although she did say that she has 8 grandchildren between the ages of 26 (Caitlin) and 1 (Roan) (in fact, she mentioned that Roan's christening was that day- she came to the concert right after the ceremony.)
After the show, she came out to sign autographs & sell her CD of Shirley Sings, & her DVDs of her movies. I asked her to autograph her cd of the combo Shirley Jones/Jack Cassidy music & told her it was to be auctioned off on EBay for Jack's Walk of Fame star fund & she wished us luck. I posed for a photo with her, but it was a bit blurry, so after re-setting the camera, & waiting patently in line for others to talk to her, I explained what happened & she posed for another with me.
The woman who runs the Friendship Club, which sponsored the concert, has asked me to assist her with publicity for Patrick’s up-coming appearance in February, which I’m looking forward to.

Posted by forallcassidyfans at 6:02 PM PST
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Friday, 26 October 2007
looking for David On DVD?
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: Watch for these
Topic: dvd releases

With more oldies but goodies TV shows being released on DVD, I thought I'd set up a guide for the seasons of David's Pre/post PF guest appearences for you to watch for :


The Flash-Done with Mirrors- AVAILABLE NOW!

Medical Center- His Brothers Keeper- Season 1

Marcus Welby MD- Fun and Games & Michael Ambrose- Season 1


Mod Squad- the Loser Season 2

Adam 12-A Rare Occasion-Season 2

John Larroquette show- Wrestling Matches-Season 2 


Ironside-Stolen on Demand-Season 3

Fantasy Island- Unholy Wedlock-Season 3

Alfred Hitchcock-Career Move- Season 3 (there is a Season 3 released, but this is from the original 1950's series, not the 1980's revival)


Love Boat-The Oilman Cometh- Season 4


Malcolm In the Middle- Vegas- Season 5

Police Story- A Chance To Live- Season 5


Fantasy Island- The Songwriter- Season 6                      


FBI-Fatal Imposter-Season 17

Posted by forallcassidyfans at 10:46 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, 26 October 2007 11:08 AM PDT
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Monday, 16 July 2007
Just in Time for my birthday!
Mood:  party time!
Now Playing: I got my photo!
Yes!  The People at Primm Resorts sent me this photo, Just in time for my birthday!  Ask me if I'm Smiling!!! 

Posted by forallcassidyfans at 4:06 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 16 July 2007 4:10 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 27 June 2007
Mood:  happy
Topic: lots going on!



   Where do I begin? We got on the road to Primm about 9 am.  Just as we were coming onto the 15, we saw posters for up-coming Primm concerts,  I thought for sure that David’s had been taken down, but just past the biggest thermometer in the world, there He was!! 

   We checked into the Primm Valley resort at noon, & with our room key was a letter about a meet and greet & if we had any questions to contact the casino host.  Well, I went there & he said he didn’t arrange that & I should contact the entertainment department.  I called there & left a message to call me on my cell (she never did call). There were posters of David up all over the casino, including over the slots.  I liked the photo they used.

   Then we headed for the box office & picked up the ticket,  Turns out I was on the wrong aisle of the section, but at the end of the row close to the door.

   I went back up to the room after losing about $5 at the penny slots, & rested.  I was too excited to eat, so I had a meal on the go bar & some water & rested. 

   At 6:30, I got ready, changing into a turquoise t-shirt with I THINK I LOVE YOU written across it in yellow & black trousers, & my mom got a wheelchair to take me back to the theater.  While we waited for the doors to open, mom played the slots & we listened to the band in the lounge, 

   When the doors   opened, I was let in first.  I watched the crowd trickle in—the floor looked full, but there were plenty of seats open at the sides & behind. 

   Then, I spotted Frank, the bass player, & was struck with a flash of inspiration—I decided to give him a copy of my newsletter & see if he would allow me to join the M&G.  I went to the barricade set up around the technical equipment, & waved to him.  He seemed to recognize me, & I showed him my newsletter & explained how I ran the fan club & would it be possible to see David to get a few new photos for the newsletter?

   He conferred with the security guys, & one of them told me that he would take me up at 7:30, if I would wait by the stairs.  It was 7:20, so I said thank you, straightened my hair, freshened my lipstick & (for good measure) popped a breath-mint!

   The guard met me & took me up, where I met other people with laminated passes.  I was the first one through the door of the lounge, where a buffet was set out.  There was David, who spotted me first & greeted me with a “hi, sweetie!”, with that famous Cassidy grin.

   The woman in charge had a camera to take photos of us with David (we couldn’t use our own cameras, although we could take candid shots later.  As I stood next to David, I said, “you smell soo good, what cologne do you use?”  He kind of stuttered a bit, then admitted he couldn’t remember.  He said the past 3 days were the toughest he could remember & he had to still warm up & do some stretches before the show, so no autographs were signed. 

   After he left, I asked the woman in charge how to get copies of the photos & she said the Casino host would have them in a few days & that they would contact me.  I told her this wasn’t arranged through the Casino, & gave her a copy of the newsletter (luckily, I’d brought several) so she would be able to reach me—I also e-mailed the host directly.

   On my way back to the seat, I thanked Frank & the Security Guard again for their help.








David in concert Primm NV 6/16/07


   Well, there we all were, young & old, fans & people who were just there because the tickets came with the rooms.  The lights went down, stage lights flickered, & the drum beat started with “Hush.”   David came out in the same white, woven long-sleeved shirt & black trousers he had met me in just 15 mins.  earlier.  He followed with the remix version of Heartbeat, Albuquerque, Echo valley, Summer Days, Crossroads, Hey, you’ve got to hide your love Away, Blackbird, and another song I missed  (my camera jammed and I had to pull out my battery & change the card). Common Thief followed.

   After a wild rant putting down Los Angeles & CA, he went on to do the remix version of Cherish, (interrupted by   an autograph seeker with a PF lunchbox & thermos—he actually laid down on the stage to sing to her!

   Band intros & C’mon Get Happy came next, followed by I woke Up In Love, I Think I Love You & the Finale of I’ll Meet you Halfway.

   Most of the songs were Remix versions, which were a bit hard to adjust to, but the audience seemed to like them.  I walked out humming.

   As we came back to the room, the posters were being removed from the hotels & casinos slots.  My mom managed to intercept one from a gentleman ready to take it home for itself.  It was the long one that fit over the top of a slot & was slightly too long for out sedan!  We had fun on our way to Vegas trying to get in & out of the car!


Posted by forallcassidyfans at 1:16 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 27 June 2007 1:17 PM PDT
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Sunday, 18 March 2007



After an exhausting 3-day weekend, I finally got home and am now able to post.

   First of all, it was fun to get together with friends, both old and new, especially Gabbi, Dorri & Joyce.  I also caught up with Cat.  Gabbi & I shared a room together at the Holiday Inn Select, & while I waited for her, I played my CDs & K-RTH 101, which was sponsoring the concert at La Mirada.

   But, I’m getting ahead of myself.  It all started Friday morning, when David aired on K-RTH at a St. Patrick’s Day event.  It was scheduled to start at 5am, so I got up at 4:30 with my transistor radio & tape recorder (I was staying at my sister’s & didn’t want to disturb the family).  He didn’t get on the air til about 7:30, so I could have slept in!  Doris & Janet both got on the air, & I heard them!  He said he was rehersing the new arrangements of the Target CD to perform at La Marada. After the radio show, we jumped from one hotel to another, while friends stopped by.

  Now, back to the Big Night!  Gabbi & I left for the theater at 6:30,  & got a great parking spot in the handicapped section.  We met up with Dorri, who was on the phone with Cindy, so I was able to say hi & finally put a voice to a name.  We hung around together until we were allowed in (they asked if we had cameras, which we denied).  Met up with Joyce & finally were allowed to our seats.  We had seats on the end & one available seat, which we invited Dorri to use. 

 I’ll just post a few of the high-lights.  The concert   started right away-I wasn’t even paying attention to the time. He came out in a short-sleeved v-neck shirt with horizontal ribbing & cuffs around the sleeves, like puffed sleeves.  He was very relaxed, & interacted with the audience- no autographs tho.  Cat’s daughter was brought up on stage & they allowed her to pose for a photo.  One person left a gift bag on the stage which had a DVD of David & Shaun’s performance on Regis.  David went into a description of how Shaun notified him of the YouTube clip, asking “were we ever that good?”  He talked about how two of the brothers were in the audience, but I only saw Ryan during intermission, & he didn’t know if Patrick or Shaun were there.  He did “Crossroads” for only the second time and sounded fantastic. I got up to the stage for ITILY, & received a pat on the left cheek & a smile of recognition.

   “Cry” brought down the house as a finale, especially after he dedicated it to his father & Evelyn, who is on her death-bed, advising us to reconcile with family members before it was too late. It was a wonderful show, & David was in an “up” mood.


Posted by forallcassidyfans at 5:44 PM PDT
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Saturday, 2 September 2006
vote for me
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Thanks for your support!

Although I had  a bad digital video & minimal makeup,I made it to the second round of Tracfone's Real Person spokesperson contest!LaughingSurprised

Please register & vote for me Here! 

Posted by forallcassidyfans at 7:13 PM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 2 September 2006 7:32 PM PDT
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Mood:  not sure

IT'S FALL & a housecleaning is in order.  I've started by adding a new opening page (& thus a new website address), . Instead of adding to the list of page changes, I can automaticly change the front page, (i.e., if Shaun gets a new series, the  Index to look on Shaun's page  will be there).  I hope you like it-- please up-date your bookmarks.

   Myspace has a new group, Facfans.  If you are a member of Myspace, please join us! 

Let me know what you think of our new changes CHERYL  

Posted by forallcassidyfans at 3:27 PM PDT
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Saturday, 26 August 2006
Wow I got Invasion!
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: The Mind of Shaun Cassidy
On Weds, I Finally received my DVDs of Invasion!  The first disc I turned to was disc 6 with INVADING THE MIND OF SHAUN CASSIDY. What I thought would be a "day in the life of" Shaun was more a discetion of the motives of the characters & the psychological view of the show.  

   I really liked just seeing Shaun talk about his life & how he brought it to the scenes in the show, his ideas on comparing the alienation of a split family to the "aliens" in the show, & what the other actors thought of him & his creativity.

   After watching the Mind of Shaun Cassidy twice, I turned to the Gag reel!  Sure enough- There was SHAUN!  As Kari Matchette opened the door of a cabin on the set- she squeeled in delight, "It's Shaun Cassidy," & there was Shaun, peeking around the door!

FOR MORE PICS, Click on the photo pn Shaun's News page!

Posted by forallcassidyfans at 9:00 PM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 26 August 2006 9:29 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 9 August 2006
Website Update
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: I'm getting Organized
Topic: new changes
InnocentAfter so many month, I've changed the news pages around.  You will find some of the old articles (on David & Shaun especially) moved to our new ARCHIVES Page!  This has the old Rat Pack stuff, Invasion clippings, and photos of Shirley that I had up on the main page for so long.  Let me know what you think!

Posted by forallcassidyfans at 10:01 AM PDT
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Friday, 21 July 2006
I've joined My Space
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: get in touch with me
I've Added my MYSPACE website link to the website.  If you're a member, please join me!Kiss .  you can also search for the site with the name Cheryl corwin or look for it under the Display name of FOR ALL CASSIDY FANS.

Posted by forallcassidyfans at 1:38 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 7 August 2006 7:37 PM PDT
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